Health and safety
We're committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff, contractors and the communities we work in.
Health and safety
We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff, contractors and the communities in which we operate and conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner.
As part of our commitment to health, safety and environment we:
- integrate health, safety and environment into our daily work, business planning and decision making
- identify, control and monitor risks that have the potential to harm people and the environment
- manage the integrity and reliability of our assets
- ensure our people are trained and competent and encouraged to improve our safety, health and environmental practices
- drive continuous improvement by monitoring our health, safety and environment performance and learning from incidents
- support a positive and caring culture in all areas of our business, underpinned by our company values
Our annual health safety and environment track record confirms our commitment:
FY 24
0 Reportable spills
1 lost time injury
689, 398 hours worked.
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate ahead of industry benchmark